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Migrating to Bazel Modules (a.k.a. Bzlmod) - Repo Names and rules_pkg

The previous post in our Bzlmod migration series demonstrated how to make runfiles paths portable to a Bzlmod world. Another common source of Bzlmod file path breakages are misconfigured rules from rules_pkg, which contains rules for building archives from build outputs and/or external repositories. This post will explain key details of some of these rules, so you can stop "holding it wrong" and easily migrate archive targets to Bzlmod.

This article is part of the series "Migrating to Bazel Modules (a.k.a. Bzlmod)":


The following advice assumes you've already imported rules_pkg into your project and are comfortable with common archive formats and terminology. You should also be aware of the following Bazel concepts in particular:

Finally, note that all of the links to rules_pkg files in this post refer to rules_pkg version 1.0.1. Please take care to refer to the version currently used in your project.

Replacing pkg_tar attributes with other rules

At EngFlow, we use the pkg_tar rule to build archives for deployment, either from our own code or from external repositories. When we first enabled Bzlmod, all of our pkg_tar archives that incorporate external repositories broke silently.

We had defined pkg_tar attributes that relied on paths to files in external repositories, which naturally contained the repository name. Enabling Bzlmod rendered those paths invalid, as external repository paths now contain canonical repository names—but the pkg_tar targets still built successfully. It was only after a failed deployment that we began to detect the issues with our targets.

We replaced these paths by updating our http_archive usage and applying the pkg_files and pkg_filegroup rules from rules_pkg. This approach provides stronger guarantees agaist silent breakages and other benefits, as explained below.

Old and busted pkg_tar attributes

In the days before Bzlmod, we used the following pkg_tar attributes:

  • strip_prefix: used to strip the top level directory from an external repository archive before repackaging, or to strip a package directory from internal files
  • remap_paths: used to add a new prefix to external repository files, or to move internal files to a new location
  • mode: used to set the default file permissions for all files
  • modes: used to set specific permissions for specific files

We repackage some external dependencies for our EngFlow system deployments using pkg_tar. We define these dependencies as external repositories, and inject our own BUILD file into them via the build_file attribute of the http_archive directive. This BUILD file originally defined a filegroup called :files, which would bundle all the repo's files into one target.

Original filegroup in the external repo's BUILD file
    name = "files",
    srcs = glob(["frobozz*/**"]),
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

The glob(["frobozz*/**"]) expression reached into the top level directory of the unpacked archive to include all of its files. The frobozz* pattern in particular matched any architecture or version number encoded in the top level directory name, e.g., frobozz_linux_x64. We download an archive for each supported operating system and CPU architecture, so each of these repositories receives its own copy of this filegroup target.

In our main repo, we then generated pkg_tar archives for different operating systems and architectures, each depending upon "@frobozz_%s_%s//:files" % (os, arch). We used the strip_prefix attribute to remove the path prefix of every file from the archive. strip_prefix doesn't accept glob patterns, so we had to build the exact path prefix that we needed to strip.

Repackaging external repo files with pkg_tar
load("@rules_pkg//:mappings.bzl", "strip_prefix")
load("@rules_pkg//:pkg.bzl", "pkg_tar")
load(":version.bzl", "VERSION")

        name = "pkg_data_%s_%s" % (os, arch),
        srcs = [
          "@frobozz_%s_%s//:files" % (os, arch)
        out = "pkg_data_%s_%s.tar.gz" % (os, arch),

        # strip_prefix.from_root avoids stripping all directory components.
        # The paths relative to frobozz-VERSION/ will be kept.
        strip_prefix = strip_prefix.from_root(
          "external/frobozz_%s_%s/frobozz-%s" % (os, arch, VERSION)
        remap_paths = {
            # Prefix every file with opt/frobozz-VERSION.OS-ARCH
            "": "opt/frobozz-%s.%s-%s" % (VERSION, os, arch),
        mode = "0444",
        modes = {
            "opt/frobozz-%s.%s-%s/bin/frobozz" % (VERSION, os, arch): "0555",
        # ...snip...
    for (os, arch) in [
        ("linux", "amd64"),
        ("linux", "arm64"),
        ("macos", "arm64"),
        # etc.

In case you haven't already spotted the problem: The strip_prefix path external/frobozz_%s_%s/frobozz-%s broke because frobozz_%s_%s specifies an apparent repo name. The actual location of the files now contains the canonical repo name in its path.

strip_prefix from pkg_tar will never fail.

The archive still built, since "@frobozz_%s_%s//:files" % (os, arch) is a perfectly valid target. pkg_tar accepts any arbitrary list of file paths, and strip_prefix will attempt to strip a path prefix, but will never return an error. In our case, none of the files had the intended strip_prefix removed, rendering the resulting archive completely broken for our purposes.

Stripping external archive prefixes with http_archive

Replacing frobozz_%s_%s in the strip_prefix attribute above with a pattern fitting the canonical repo name is not a solution. Recall this advice from Bazel modules: Repository names and strict deps (emphasis theirs):

Note that the canonical name format is not an API you should depend on and is subject to change at any time. Instead of hard-coding the canonical name, use a supported way to get it directly from Bazel...

Fortunately, we did find a proper solution. We replaced strip_prefix from pkg_tar with a combination of strip_prefix from http_archive and strip_prefix from pkg_files.

http_archive contains a strip_prefix attribute specifically for removing version-specific directory prefixes from external archives (emphasis and paragraph break mine):

A directory prefix to strip from the extracted files. Many archives contain a top-level directory that contains all of the useful files in [the] archive. Instead of needing to specify this prefix over and over in the build_file, this field can be used to strip it from all of the extracted files.

For example, suppose you are using, which contains the directory foo-lib-1.2.3/ under which there is a WORKSPACE file and are src/, lib/, and test/ directories that contain the actual code you wish to build. Specify strip_prefix = "foo-lib-1.2.3" to use the foo-lib-1.2.3 directory as your top-level directory.

Perhaps most importantly (emphasis mine):

If the specified prefix does not match a directory in the archive, Bazel will return an error.

strip_prefix from http_archive does The Right Thing.

This is exactly what we might've expected to have happened earlier, when pkg_tar silently failed instead. We've since updated our http_archive rules to make use of strip_prefix, eliminating this complexity from our pkg_tar targets while gaining protection from failed prefix matches.

Setting file attributes with pkg_files

It's possible we could've left the :files target as a builtin Bazel filegroup, as pkg_tar will parse files from the DefaultInfo provider of srcs targets. However, we decided to go all in on rules_pkg targets, and replaced it with a combination of pkg_files and pkg_filegroup. These rules, and their accompanying attribute configuration structs, are located within @rules_pkg//:mappings.bzl.

Importing pkg_files, pkg_filegroup, etc. into a BUILD file

This is what the BUILD file injected into the external repository archive looks like now:

pkg_files and pkg_filegroup from the external repo's BUILD file

    name = "bin",
    srcs = glob(
    attributes = pkg_attributes(
        mode = "0555",
    strip_prefix = strip_prefix.from_pkg(),

    name = "data",
    srcs = glob(
        exclude = ["bin/**"],
    attributes = pkg_attributes(
        mode = "0444",
    strip_prefix = strip_prefix.from_pkg(),

    name = "files",
    srcs = [
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

This is clearly more verbose than the original filegroup implementation of the :files target, but there are important benefits:

Stripping canonical repository names with pkg_files

Perhaps the most important detail to notice, however: We must specify strip_prefix = strip_prefix.from_pkg() to preserve the underlying directory structure of the file tree within the originating Bazel package.

From the documentation for the strip_prefix attribute of pkg_files (emphasis mine):

Use the strip_prefix struct to define this attribute. If this attribute is not specified, all directories will be stripped from all files prior to being included in packages (strip_prefix.files_only()).

Surprising default behavior—at first...

I found this files_only default a bit surprising at first, but it eventually made sense. It forces you to use the strip_prefix struct to explicitly specify how much of the directory prefix to strip. If you don't specify strip_prefix, then stripping the entire prefix is at least a reasonable default.

Now that we're using the strip_prefix attribute of http_archive, we no longer need to strip the version-specific archive prefix from these files. However, we still need to strip the external repository directory prefix, containing the canonical repository name, upon which we must not depend. We otherwise want to preserve the same directory structure as the original archive.

In our case, strip_prefix.from_pkg() without an additional path argument was what we needed. From the strip_prefix struct docstring:

  • from_pkg(path): strip all directory components up to the current package, plus what's in path, if provided.

Bzlmod compatibility for repackaged external archives

Between the strip_prefix behaviors of both http_archive and pkg_files, we've avoided any need to depend on the canonical repository name of external archives. Plus, both will break the build when their guarantees are violated.

Adding the installation prefix using pkg_filegroup

During the course of fixing the broken archives, I came across this interesting detail regarding remap_paths from rules_pkg issue #85 (emphasis mine):

One thing to consider is that remap_paths from pkg_tar is going away. It is a confusing piece of technical debt in the code so [our] goal is to eliminate it.

With the new pkg_filegroup target in place for the external repository, we defined another pkg_filegroup target in our repository to apply the prefix we wanted. This eliminated the need for the previous remap_paths attribute that applied the prefix by matching the empty string.

Repackaging external repo files with pkg_filegroup
load("@rules_pkg//:mappings.bzl", "pkg_filegroup")
load("@rules_pkg//:pkg.bzl", "pkg_tar")
load(":version.bzl", "VERSION")

            name = "pkg_fg_%s_%s" % (os, arch),
            srcs = [
                "@frobozz_%s_%s//:files" % (os, arch),
            prefix = "opt/frobozz-%s.%s-%s/" % (VERSION, os, arch),
            name = "pkg_data_%s_%s" % (os, arch),
            srcs = [
              "pkg_fg_%s_%s" % (os, arch)
            out = "pkg_data_%s_%s.tar.gz" % (os, arch),

            # The rest of the previous attributes, with `strip_prefix`,
            # `remap_paths`, `mode`, and `modes` removed...
    for (os, arch) in [
        ("linux", "amd64"),
        ("linux", "arm64"),
        ("macos", "arm64"),
        # etc.

Moving specific files with pkg_files

We're also using pkg_files and pkg_filegroup to update paths and file permissions while packaging individual files, not just entire external archives. This replaces our usage of the same pkg_tar attributes mentioned above, as well as a macro I'd written to fix Bzlmod related path breakages.

The following examples are based on other pkg_tar targets from our repo.

A straightforward example

The first example packages one artifact we build, and one that ships with Bazel, placing them both in the engflow/bin directory.

A straightforward pkg_tar rule before using pkg_files
load("@rules_pkg//pkg:pkg.bzl", "pkg_tar")
load("//:macros.bzl", "get_repo_path")

PROCESS_WRAPPER = "@bazel//src/main/tools:process-wrapper"

    name = "pkg_macos",
    srcs = [
    strip_prefix = "/",
    remap_paths = {
        "java/com/engflow/foo/libfoo.dll": "engflow/bin/libfoo.dylib",
        get_repo_path(PROCESS_WRAPPER): "engflow/bin/process-wrapper",
    mode = "0755",
    # ...snip...

It's important to know that remap_paths is an attr.string_dict, whose keys are plain strings. pkg_tar replaces the beginning of any path matching the key with the corresponding value.

These path keys aren't subject to make variable substitution, and neither are they target labels. So under Bzlmod, we needed the exact paths for files packaged from external repos to produce remap_paths keys. I originally wrote the following macro to provide the necessary path prefixes for PROCESS_WRAPPER as seen in the example above:

get_repo_path() implementation
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:paths.bzl", "paths")

def get_repo_path(external_target):
    """Given an external target label string, returns its file path."""
    label = Label(external_target)
    return paths.join(label.workspace_root, label.package,

However, the aforementioned commment about remap_paths from rules_pkg issue #85 also mentioned (emphasis mine):

...pkg_files can strip out existing paths and rebase them with new ones. I am presuming from your examples that you need to remap paths, the eventual way to write that is with an intermediate pkg_file[s] target to do that remapping.

pkg_files does this by using its strip_prefix, prefix, and renames attributes.

Be careful with prefix—but not too careful.

Technically, the prefix attribute doesn't work exactly the same as the corresponding pkg_filegroup attribute. In practice, it works pretty much as you would expect. Check the pkg_files and pkg_filegroup documentation for details.

Unlike the remap_paths attribute from pkg_tar, the renames attribute of pkg_files is an attr.label_keyed_string_dict. This means that the keys are interpreted as target labels. They aren't subject to strip_prefix substitution, and the target will break if any of them expand to multiple files or don't match a declared dependency.

From the renames attribute documentation:

This attribute allows the user to override destinations of files in pkg_files relative to the prefix attribute. Keys to the dict are source files/labels, values are destinations relative to the prefix, ignoring whatever value was provided for strip_prefix.

[ ...snip... ]

The following keys are rejected:

  • Any label that expands to more than one file (mappings must be one-to-one).

  • Any label or file that was either not provided or explicitly excluded.

In this case, we added a single pkg_files target, which became the sole srcs dependency for our pkg_tar target:

A straightforward pkg_tar rule after using pkg_files
load("@rules_pkg//pkg:pkg.bzl", "pkg_tar")
load("@rules_pkg//pkg:mappings.bzl", "pkg_attributes", "pkg_files")

    name = "files",
    srcs = [
    attributes = pkg_attributes(mode = "0755"),
    prefix = "engflow/bin",
    renames = {
        "//java/com/engflow/foo:libfoo.dll": "libfoo.dylib",

    name = "pkg_macos",
    srcs = [":files"],
    # ...snip...

Important things to notice:

  • We're using prefix to place both binaries in engflow/bin instead of mapping them individually.
  • We're using the default behavior of strip_prefix to remove the entire directory path from every file.
  • Since libfoo.dll is in renames, it's unaffected by strip_prefix, and the renamed path is relative to prefix.
  • renames guarantees that the rule will break if any labels are wrong.
  • We explicitly set the file permissions for both files to 0755. This has ramifications discussed in the Discovering more surprising pkg_tar behavior section below.
  • Since we're not composing multiple pkg_files targets, pkg_tar can depend on it directly, without an intermediate pkg_filegroup.

Bzlmod compatibility for individually repackaged external files

The most notable detail for Bzlmod purposes: The process-wrapper binary has its entire directory path stripped by the default strip_prefix behavior for pkg_files. We don't have to manipulate the canonical repository path of the target at all, and can get rid of the get_repo_path() macro.

A more complex example

This example is built on the same basic principles and mechanisms as the previous one, but as you can see, contains a little more complexity.

A more complex pkg_tar rule before using pkg_files
load("@rules_pkg//pkg:pkg.bzl", "pkg_tar")
load("//:macros.bzl", "get_repo_path")

LINUX_SANDBOX = "@bazel//src/main/tools:linux-sandbox"

    name = "pkg_linux",
    srcs = glob(["engflow-services/**"]) + [
    strip_prefix = "engflow-services",
    remap_paths = {
        "java/com/engflow/foo/libfoo.dll": "engflow/bin/",
        "java/com/engflow/ui/UIMain_deploy.jar": "engflow/bin/UIMain.jar",
        get_repo_path(LINUX_SANDBOX): "engflow/bin/linux-sandbox",
    mode = "0444",
    modes = {
        "engflow/bin/UIMain.jar": "0644",
        "engflow/bin/linux-sandbox": "0555",
        "engflow/bin/engflow_service": "0555",
    # ...snip...

Here's what's happening in this example:

  • It packages internal and external files, just like the previous example.
  • However, it contains glob(["engflow-services/**"]) in its srcs, and strip_prefix = "engflow-services", to include a file and directory structure from this package's engflow-services subdirectory.
  • It also sets both a default mode = "0444" and specific modes for three specific files:
    • UIMain.jar from remap_paths: 0644
    • the external LINUX_SANDBOX: 0555
    • engflow_service from the glob(), after applying strip_prefix: 0555

We'll take a closer look at these mode and modes values in the Discovering more surprising pkg_tar behavior section below.

We know the drill by this point:

  • Write pkg_files rules to replace the strip_prefix, remap_paths, mode, and modes attributes of pkg_tar.
  • Compose one or more pkg_filegroup targets from the new pkg_files targets.
  • Have pkg_tar depend on these pkg_filegroup targets in its srcs.

The trick here is to tease out targets that will preserve the existing directory structure and file attributes. (The intended file attributes, anyway...) This is what we ended up with:

A more complex pkg_tar rule after using pkg_files
load("@rules_pkg//pkg:pkg.bzl", "pkg_tar")

    name = "binaries",
    srcs = glob(["engflow-services/bin/**"]) + [
    attributes = pkg_attributes(mode = "0555"),

    name = "libs",
    srcs = ["//java/com/engflow/foo:libfoo.dll"],
    attributes = pkg_attributes(mode = "0444"),
    renames = {"//java/com/engflow/foo:libfoo.dll": ""},

    name = "jars",
    srcs = ["//java/com/engflow/ui:UIMain_deploy.jar"],
    attributes = pkg_attributes(mode = "0644"),
    renames = {
        "//java/com/engflow/ui:UIMain_deploy.jar": "UIMain.jar",

    name = "binfiles",
    srcs = [
    prefix = "engflow/bin",

    name = "data",
    srcs = glob(
        exclude = ["engflow-services/bin/**"],
    attributes = pkg_attributes(mode = "0444"),
    strip_prefix = strip_prefix.from_pkg("engflow-services"),

    name = "pkg_linux",
    srcs = [
    # ...snip...

This quite a bit more code than the original, but here's what happening:

  • Because different files in engflow-services/bin have different file permissions, we need to have a different pkg_files target for each different set of permissions. This is way more verbose than using the modes attribute of pkg_tar—but we'll see why it's a good idea anyway.
  • The binaries target grabs the engflow_service binary via the glob(["engflow-services/bin/**"]) expression in its srcs. This target is now what sets its file permissions to 0555.
  • We use an intermediate pkg_filegroup called binfiles to relocate several of the pkg_files targets under engflow-services/bin
  • We use a different pkg_files target called data to collect all files and directories under engflow-services, except those under engflow-services/bin. This target strips the engflow-services directory prefix from these files, and set all file permissions to 0444.
  • The pkg_tar target now depends on both of the new pkg_filegroup targets, binfiles and data.

Stripping internal directory names with pkg_files

Let's pay special attention to what's happening with the strip_prefix attribute of pkg_files:

  • Like the previous example, the binaries target relies on the default strip_prefix behavior to strip the entire directory path from the linux-sandbox binary. We don't need the get_repo_path() macro to handle the canonical repository name anymore.
  • The jars and libs target define renames for their only files, so are unaffected by strip_prefix.
  • The data target then collects the rest of the engflow-services files, and calls strip_prefix.from_pkg("engflow-services"). This removes the engflow-services prefix while preserving the child directory structure.

strip_prefix.from_pkg("engflow-services") is also guaranteed to fail if any of the srcs don't match. From the pkg_files documentation (emphasis mine):

If prefix stripping fails on any file provided in srcs, the build will fail.

pkg_files makes stripping internal directories safe, too.

Again, we have the comfort of knowing that stripping prefixes from pkg_files inputs will break the build, as expected. No silent failures, as was the case when stripping prefixes with pkg_tar.

Testing pkg_tar output

At this point, our pkg_tar targets now rely on http_archive, pkg_files, and pkg_filegroup to strip directory prefixes, relocate files, and set file permissions. We've replaced pkg_tar attributes with mechanisms providing stronger correctness guarantees.

Even so, we still needed to validate that our updates actually preserved the original (or intended) output, or broke the build if not. Or, at the very least, we needed a process to ensure such violations are caught before or during code review.

Confirming the presence of specific files with verify_archive_test

It turns out that rules_pkg provides the verify_archive_test macro, which instantiates a py_test rule to validate several archive properties. It's imported via:

Importing verify_archive_test into a BUILD file
load("@rules_pkg//pkg:verify_archive.bzl", "verify_archive_test")

Discovering this was quite the revelation; it doesn't (yet?) appear on the rules_pkg reference documentation. Its docstring explains it pretty well, though:

verify_archive_test docstring from rules_pkg v1.0.1
"""Tests that an archive contains specific file patterns.

This test is used to verify that an archive contains the expected content.

  target: A target archive.
  must_contain: A list of paths which must appear in the archive.
  must_contain_regex: A list of path regexes which must appear in the archive.
  must_not_contain: A list of paths which must not appear in the archive.
  must_not_contain_regex: A list of path regexes which must not appear in the archive.
  min_size: The minimum number of entries which must be in the archive.
  max_size: The maximum number of entries which must be in the archive.
  tags: standard meaning
  verify_links: Dict keyed by paths which must appear, and be symlinks to their values.

Now we've added verify_archive_test targets to validate most (still working on all) of our pkg_tar targets. To make the structure clear by eliminating unnecessary duplication, here's what our rules (sort of) look like, collapsed into a macro.

Example repackage_and_verify_repo macro using verify_archive_test
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:paths.bzl", "paths")
load("@rules_pkg//:mappings.bzl", "pkg_filegroup")
load("@rules_pkg//:pkg.bzl", "pkg_tar")
load("@rules_pkg//pkg:verify_archive.bzl", "verify_archive_test")

def repackage_and_verify_repo(
    name="", version="", os="", arch="", must_contain=[],
    filegroup_name = "pkg_fg_%s_%s_%s" % (name, os, arch)
    install_prefix = "opt/%s-%s.%s_%s" % (name, version, os, arch)
    tarball_name   = "pkg_data_%s_%s_%s" % (name, os, arch)

        name = filegroup_name,
        srcs = ["@%s_%s_%s//:files" % (name, os, arch)],
        prefix = install_prefix

        name = tarball_name,
        srcs = [filegroup_name],
        out = "%s.tar.gz" % tarball_name,

        # The rest of the previous attributes, with `strip_prefix`,
        # `remap_paths`, `mode`, and `modes` removed...

    if len(must_contain) != 0:
            name = "%s_test" % tarball_name,
            must_contain = [
                paths.join(install_prefix, p) for p in must_contain
            target = tarball_name,

Here's what the resulting BUILD file would look like.

BUILD file using repackage_and_verify_repo for multiple builds
load(":macros.bzl", "repackage_and_verify_repo")
load(":version.bzl", "VERSION")

        name = "frobozz",
        version = VERSION,
        os = os,
        arch = arch,
        must_contain = [
    for (os, arch) in [
        ("linux", "amd64"),
        ("linux", "arm64"),
        ("macos", "arm64"),
        # etc.

Automatically verifying the structure of the resulting archive

We haven't overspecified the entire contents of the archive, but have just enough to give us confidence that the packaging retained the desired directory structure. If any of these key elements aren't present, we'll know right away, instead of after deployment.

Validating file attributes manually (for now)

One archive property that verify_archive_test does not verify (yet?) is file attributes. However, we've developed a somewhat low overhead way of validating them manually (for now).

Manual testing as a process for developing automated tests

Though it would be ideal if verify_archive_test already had this capability, working through the problem manually can help define what the automation should look like. Perhaps someone (maybe even me!) can then add this feature to verify_archive_test.

The pkg_tar manifest file

In addition to generating a .tar file, pkg_tar also generates a .manifest file containing containing metadata on every file in the archive in JSON format.

For example, assuming the full target label of the pkg_files target from the earlier example is //engflow/macos:pkg_macos, that rule will produce:

  • bazel-bin/engflow/macos/pkg_macos.manifest
  • bazel-bin/engflow/macos/pkg_macos.tar

The contents of pkg_macos.manifest example looks like the following, after piping it through jq via jq . <bazel-bin/engflow/macos/pkg_macos.manifest. (In the src attributes, ARCH represents the architecture-specific component of my local build directory.)

    "dest": "engflow/bin/libfoo.dylib",
    "gid": null,
    "group": null,
    "mode": "0755",
    "origin": "@@//engflow/macos:files",
    "src": "bazel-out/ARCH/bin/java/com/engflow/foo/libfoo.dll",
    "type": "file",
    "uid": null,
    "user": null
    "dest": "engflow/bin/process-wrapper",
    "gid": null,
    "group": null,
    "mode": "0755",
    "origin": "@@//engflow/macos:files",
    "src": "bazel-out/ARCH/bin/external/_main~_repo_rules~bazel/src/main/tools/process-wrapper",
    "type": "file",
    "uid": null,
    "user": null

You can see how the pkg_files attributes map directly to the fields in this manifest:

  • The origin is the full target label of the pkg_files target. @@ represents the main repo for the build.
  • The mode was set by attributes = pkg_attributes(mode = "0755").
  • Each dest resides in engflow/bin as set by prefix = "engflow/bin".
  • libfoo.dll was renamed libfoo.dylib per the renames attribute.
  • The src path of process-wrapper contains a segment corresponding to the canonical name of @bazel, which is _main~_repo_rules~bazel (for now).

Though we're not using them in our example, you can see that file ownership attributes are represented in the manifest as well.

Manifest entries take precedence over pkg_tar default attributes.

Since all of the manifest information came from the pkg_rules target, it will override any attribute values from pkg_tar.

Inspecting actual .tar file attributes

Checking out the .manifest file can serve as the first manual line of defense against potential build problems. However, the final source of truth comes from the archive listing itself, via tar tvf.

Inspecting the contents of pkg_macos.tar
$ tar tvf bazel-bin/engflow/macos/pkg_macos.tar

drwxr-xr-x  0 0      0           0 Dec 31  1999 engflow/
drwxr-xr-x  0 0      0           0 Dec 31  1999 engflow/bin/
-rwxr-xr-x  0 0      0     4747032 Dec 31  1999 engflow/bin/engflow/libfoo.dylib
-rwxr-xr-x  0 0      0     3754464 Dec 31  1999 engflow/bin/process-wrapper

We can see that the files did indeed land at the locations and with the attributes specified in the .manifest file. We didn't specify user or group ownership, so those attributes default to uid 0 and gid 0.

Use the manifest file to begin investigating unexpected outcomes.

If anything here surprises us, we can begin tracing backwards by looking for entries in the .manifest file that match specific dest values.

Comparing manifests and actual archives before and after updating pkg_tar

Now we have the two pieces we need to verify that updates to a pkg_tar rule have the expected effects. Again, verify_archive_test should be the first choice for validating the destination paths of expected contents. What we want to do here is validate whether file attributes are as we expect.

That said, this will alert us to changes in contents that aren't explicitly specified using verify_archive_test. Such information can be fed back into verify_archive_test as well.

The first step is to capture the manifest and archive contents before updating the pkg_tar target:

Run this before the change
bazel build //engflow/macos:pkg_macos
jq . <bazel-bin/engflow/macos/pkg_macos.manifest >pkg_macos.before.json
tar tvf bazel-bin/engflow/macos/pkg_macos.tar >pkg_macos.before.txt

The next step is to make the actual change. After that, capture the new manifest and archive contents:

Run this after the change
bazel build //engflow/macos:pkg_macos
jq . <bazel-bin/engflow/macos/pkg_macos.manifest >pkg_macos.after.json
tar tvf bazel-bin/engflow/macos/pkg_macos.tar >pkg_macos.after.txt

Now that we have the manifests and archive contents from before and after the change, we can use a diff program to inspect them. Being a command line guy, I tend to prefer vimdiff, part of the Vim text editor suite.

Diffing the before and after manifests and archive contents
vimdiff pkg_macos.{before,after}.json
vimdiff pkg_macos.{before,after}.txt

Discovering more surprising pkg_tar behavior

Following the manual verification process described just above actually revealed something surprising about our pkg_linux target, as well as the pkg_tar rule itself.

This is a rabbit hole leading to a maze of twisty passages, all alike.

This section explains in detail why one should avoid the mode and modes attributes of pkg_tar. The details are not essential, however, but are provided for the entertainment of those who like a good detective story. Feel free to skip it, if you're willing to trust me on this.

Remember that before our change, the pkg_tar target specified these file permissions:

The original pkg_tar file permissions attributes
mode = "0444",
modes = {
    "engflow/bin/UIMain.jar": "0644",
    "engflow/bin/linux-sandbox": "0555",
    "engflow/bin/engflow_service": "0555",

However, diffing the archive contents from before the change and after revealed that pkg_tar never set these permissions correctly to begin with.

Diffing the before and after pkg_linux.tar contents
$ diff pkg_linux.{before,after}.txt

< -rwxr-xr-x  engflow/bin/
< -rwxr-xr-x  engflow/bin/linux-sandbox
> -r--r--r--  engflow/bin/
> -r-xr-xr-x  engflow/bin/linux-sandbox

Specifically, according to the previous pkg_tar attributes:

  • seemingly should've defaulted to mode = "0444"
  • linux-sandbox should've been set to 0555 per the modes attribute

Instead, both were set to 0755 before the update to use pkg_files.

Neither of these differences seem to have affected our deployments, but it is worth understanding why they exist. To begin, let's see a sample of the manifest:

bazel-bin/engflow/linux/pkg_linux.manifest entries
  "dest": "engflow/bin/",
  "gid": null,
  "group": null,
  "mode": "0755",
  "origin": "@@//java/com/engflow/foo:libfoo.dll",
  "src": "bazel-out/ARCH/bin/java/com/engflow/foo/libfoo.dll",
  "type": "file",
  "uid": null,
  "user": null
  "dest": "engflow/bin/linux-sandbox",
  "gid": null,
  "group": null,
  "mode": "0755",
  "origin": "@@_main~_repo_rules~bazel//src/main/tools:linux-sandbox",
  "src": "bazel-out/ARCH/bin/external/_main~_repo_rules~bazel/src/main/tools/linux-sandbox",
  "type": "file",
  "uid": null,
  "user": null
  "dest": "engflow/bin/engflow_service",
  "gid": null,
  "group": null,
  "mode": "",
  "origin": "@@//engflow/linux:engflow-services/engflow/bin/engflow_service",
  "src": "engflow/linux/engflow-services/engflow/bin/engflow_service",
  "type": "file",
  "uid": null,
  "user": null,

Two things to notice:

  • libfoo.dll and linux-sandbox are both set to mode 0755, which doesn't appear anywhere in the original pkg_tar target.
  • The mode of engflow_service is empty; the default value of 0444 isn't recorded in the manifest file.

pkg_tar passes mode and modes to the helper script as a command line flags instead of recording them in the manifest file. This explains why most of the files don't have a mode set in the manifest, but still receive the correct file permissions.

In addition to that:

As for why libfoo.dll and linux-sandbox were set to 0755, instead of being empty in the manifest and being set by mode or modes:

Elementary, my dear Watson...

So pkg_tar forces the modes of these cc_binary targets to become 0755. This goes into the manifest, taking precedence over pkg_tar's own mode and modes attributes. Mystery solved.


The moral of the story is: Do not use the strip_prefix, remap_paths, mode, and modes attributes of pkg_tar. remap_paths is deprecated, and the others are unreliable. Use pkg_files, et. al., to explicitly specify the locations and attributes of your pkg_tar input artifacts.

Once someone noticed the problem, we set about on a journey of source studying, trial, and error. Now our pkg_tar targets are Bzlmod compatible, reasonably future proof, and protected by guarantees that will break the build when violated. They're even tested now, too.

In retrospect, some of the above seems pretty obvious, but we collectively were unaware of the options at the time. Perhaps you're in the same boat we were; I hope this advice spares you the same level of effort to achieve similar results.

In this post and the previous, we've learned how "holding runfiles libraries and rules_pkg right" to achieve Bzlmod compatibility and avoid canonical repository names altogether. In the next post, we'll learn how to inject canonical repository names into our BUILD rules when we really have no other choice.

Credit where it's due

It was Corbin McNeely-Smith from whom I'd first heard the term "holding it wrong," and who first noticed the pkg_tar breakage. He was also the first to experiment with pkg_files and pkg_filegroup, which I then built upon to update our other pkg_tar targets eventually.

Patrick Ziegler was the first to introduce both Corbin and I to verify_archive_test. This rule proved invaluable when fixing and updating our pkg_tar targets.

Isaac Truett noticed that my initial replacement of filegroup targets with pkg_files turned off executable bits on files within pkg_tar archives. I investigated, and learned that the pkg_files default mode of 0644 overrode the mode and modes values from pkg_tar. This wasn't caught by verify_archive_test, leading me to develop the manual verification process described above.