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Migrating to Bazel Modules (a.k.a. Bzlmod) - Repo Names and Runfiles

The first post in our Bzlmod migration series explained many of the problems that may arise when migrating your project. These next three posts will explore various solutions to problems arising from changes in how Bazel handles repository names under Bzlmod, beginning with runfiles paths. After applying the techniques in this post, your project should be well insulated from runfiles path related breakages, now and well into the future.

This article is part of the series "Migrating to Bazel Modules (a.k.a. Bzlmod)":


The following advice assumes that you're familiar with the runfiles concept, as well as the concepts presented in the following Bazel documents:

It also assumes that you've correctly declared all dependency targets in the deps and/or data attributes of your BUILD rules.

Translating file paths using runfiles libraries

If you enable Bzlmod and your runfiles paths are immediately broken, you need to start using runfiles libraries.

Runfiles libraries help you translate runfile paths corresponding to Bazel labels to actual file system paths, so your programs can find these files at runtime. For example, from the rlocationpaths example below, in which the main repository's module name from MODULE.bazel is engflow:

  • Bazel label: //data:0-foo.txt
  • Runfile path: engflow/data/0-foo.txt
  • Runfiles link: /home/mbland/.cache/bazel/_bazel_mbland/1234567890abcdef/execroot/_main/bazel-out/k8-fastbuild/bin/runfiles_demo.runfiles/_main/data/0-foo.txt
  • Actual path: /home/mbland/src/EngFlow/example/runfiles/engflow/data/0-foo.txt

(I'll explain the patterns behind the runfile path and actual path below.)

Runfiles libraries are distributed as source code for different languages, enabling tests or other programs to locate their runfiles programatically during execution. They originally came about to make Bazel runfiles portable to Windows (developed by my colleague László Csomor prior to the existence of EngFlow). Many of them now map runfiles paths to actual file system paths under Bzlmod (via the repo mapping mechanism), making them essential to using Bzlmod.

In this way, runfiles libraries prevent your code from breaking whenever there's a change in Bazel's internal repository name representation. From Bazel modules: Repository names and strict deps (emphasis theirs):

...the canonical name format is not an API you should depend on and is subject to change at any time. Instead of hard-coding the canonical name, use a supported way to get it directly from Bazel...

The canonical name format just changed again.

The change to no longer encode module versions in canonical repo names in Bazel 7.1.0 is a recent example of Bazel maintainers altering the format. The Bazel maintainers just changed the canonical repo name format again to fix build performance issues on Windows caused by the ~ characters. This will land in Bazel 7.3.0 under the ‑‑incompatible_use_plus_in_repo_names flag, which implies other canonical name format changes as well. See also: bazelbuild/bazel: ‑‑incompatible_use_plus_in_repo_names #23127.

Runfiles libraries for different languages

Here's where you can find the runfiles libraries for a few common languages. The links and notes below describe how to depend on and initialize these libraries; sections below describe how to use them.

Note that the links here are to files within the latest versions at the time of writing. Make sure that you're viewing the versions matching your project's actual dependencies.


  • Target: @bazel_tools//tools/cpp/runfiles
  • Documentation: runfiles_src.h header comment

Requires initialization using the BAZEL_CURRENT_REPOSITORY macro symbol.


  • Target: @bazel_tools//tools/java/runfiles
  • Documentation: class comment

Requires using the @AutoBazelRepository annotation to generate a class constant used during initialization.


  • Target: @bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles
  • Documentation: runfiles.bash header comment

Requires copying a preamble from the header comment to enable discovery at runtime.


Do not use the @bazel_tools Python runfiles library, as it is out of date and does not support Bzlmod.


  • Target: @rules_go//go/runfiles:go_default_library
  • Documentation: runfiles.go (the whole file)


  • Target: "@rules_rust//tools/runfiles"
  • Documentation: header comment

Using predefined source/output path variables to pass paths to rlocation()

All runfiles libraries, once properly initialized, provide a standard rlocation() or Rlocation() function. For example, here is the Rlocation() function signature and docstring from rules_python:

rules_python Rlocation() implementation
def Rlocation(self, path: str, source_repo: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[str]:
    """Returns the runtime path of a runfile.

    Runfiles are data-dependencies of Bazel-built binaries and tests.

    The returned path may not be valid. The caller should check the path's
    validity and that the path exists.

    The function may return None. In that case the caller can be sure that the
    rule does not know about this data-dependency.

      path: string; runfiles-root-relative path of the runfile
      source_repo: string; optional; the canonical name of the repository
        whose repository mapping should be used to resolve apparent to
        canonical repository names in `path`. If `None` (default), the
        repository mapping of the repository containing the caller of this
        method is used. Explicitly setting this parameter should only be
        necessary for libraries that want to wrap the runfiles library. Use
        `CurrentRepository` to obtain canonical repository names.
      the path to the runfile, which the caller should check for existence, or
      None if the method doesn't know about this runfile
      TypeError: if `path` is not a string
      ValueError: if `path` is None or empty, or it's absolute or not normalized

The intended usage is to use the rlocationpath and rlocationpaths predefined source/output path variables in your BUILD targets to generate paths to pass to rlocation():

rlocationpath: The path a built binary can pass to the Rlocation function of a runfiles library to find a dependency at runtime....

...[the result] always starts with the name of the repository....

The rlocationpath of a file in an external repository repo will start with repo/, followed by the repository-relative path.

Passing this path to a binary and resolving it to a file system path using the runfiles libraries is the preferred approach to find dependencies at runtime.

Pass the rlocationpath results to your program as command line arguments or environment variables by:

  • Specifying them in the args or env attribute of test or binary targets
  • Including them in the cmd attribute of a genrule

Generating compiled modules

It's also possible to generate text files including these paths, or source files for different languages defining constants from these rlocationpath values. I've done it—but ultimately found it to be unnecessary. See the Passing known file path constants to rlocation() section below.

rlocationpaths example

To illustrate, we'll use a small example project containing a py_binary that emits information about its runfiles, which are provided by rlocationpaths.

If you'd like to follow along with the example on your own machine, clone the EngFlow/example repo by running:

Clone the EngFlow/example repo
git clone

Let's examine some of the files from this repo before running the demonstration program.

First, we define our engflow module in engflow/MODULE.bazel. It depends on the frobozz module from the same git repository, using local_path_override to simulate an external repository (lines 4 and 5).

# Note: Not our actual MODULE.bazel
module(name = "engflow", version = "0.0.0")

bazel_dep(name = "frobozz")
local_path_override(module_name = "frobozz", path = "../frobozz")

bazel_dep(name = "rules_python", version = "0.34.0")

python = use_extension(
    is_default = True,
    python_version = "3.12.3",

Now let's look at the example program itself. Notice that it:

  • Instantiates the _RUNFILES object using the rules_python runfiles library (lines 23 and 26)
  • Prints information about runfiles related environment variables, the runfiles directory, and the current working directory (lines 50-62)
  • Iterates over runfiles paths from both command line arguments and the RUNFILE_PATHS environment variable (lines 64-72)
  • Prints information about individual runfiles, their runfiles directory links, and their actual file system paths (lines 36-43)
import os
import os.path
import sys

from python.runfiles import runfiles

_RUNFILES = runfiles.Create()

def print_runfile_info(runfiles_dir, runfile_path):
    """Prints information about a runfile path to standard output.

        runfiles_dir:  path to the runfiles directory
        runfile_path:  the runfile path to examine
    actual_path = _RUNFILES.Rlocation(runfile_path)
    runfiles_link = os.path.join(runfiles_dir, runfile_path)
    actual_exists = actual_path is not None and os.path.exists(actual_path)
    print(f'  runfile path:  {runfile_path}')
    print(f'  runfiles link: {runfiles_link}')
    print(f'  link exists:   {os.path.lexists(runfiles_link)}')
    print(f'  actual path:   {actual_path}')
    print(f'  exists:        {actual_exists}\n')

def print_runfiles_information():
    """Prints information about this program's runfiles to standard output.

        argv: list of command line arguments
        environ: dictionary of environment variables
        cwd: current working directory
    runfiles_dir = None

    if 'RUNFILES_DIR' in environ:
        runfiles_dir = environ['RUNFILES_DIR']
        print(f'RUNFILES_DIR:           {runfiles_dir}')

    if 'RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE' in environ:
        manifest_file = environ['RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE']
        print(f'RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE: {manifest_file}')

        if runfiles_dir is None:
            runfiles_dir = manifest_file.removesuffix('_manifest')
            print(f'runfiles dir:           {runfiles_dir}')

    print(f'current working dir:    {cwd}\n')

    if len(argv) != 1:
        print('From the command line arguments:')
        for arg in argv[1:]:
            print_runfile_info(runfiles_dir, arg)

    if 'RUNFILE_PATHS' in environ:
        print('From the RUNFILE_PATHS environment variable:')
        for path in environ['RUNFILE_PATHS'].split(' '):
            print_runfile_info(runfiles_dir, path)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print_runfiles_information(sys.argv, os.environ, os.getcwd())

The engflow/BUILD file defines a py_binary for our demo program, with env and args attributes that will be applied during bazel run. The runfiles targets are specified in its data attribute.

It also contains a genrule that uses this binary and passes runfile paths as environment variables and command line arguments in its cmd attribute. For genrules, the runfile targets are specified in the srcs attribute.

    name = "runfiles_demo",
    srcs = [""],
    deps = ["@rules_python//python/runfiles"],
    data = [
    args = [
        # Demonstrate using rlocationpaths in "args". If you prefer, you can put
        # all of these in "env".
        "$(rlocationpaths //data)",
    env = {
        # Demonstrate using rlocationpaths in "env". If you prefer, you can put
        # all of these in "args".
        "RUNFILE_PATHS": "$(rlocationpaths @frobozz//:files)",

    name = "runfiles_genrule_demo",
    srcs = [
    outs = ["demo_output.txt"],
    # Demonstrate passing rlocationpaths using both an environment variable and
    # a command line argument. In practice, you may choose to use only one
    # method or the other.
    cmd = "RUNFILE_PATHS=\"$(rlocationpath @frobozz//:1-gue.txt)\"" +
          " $(execpath :runfiles_demo) $(rlocationpath //data:0-foo.txt) >$@",
    tools = [":runfiles_demo"],

Runfiles input attributes may vary.

Most rules have a data attribute to specify runfiles, but genrule doesn't; it uses srcs instead. Other rules may or may not also populate the runfiles directory with srcs. Check the documentation for the rule in question to learn what's included in its runfiles. When in doubt, you can modify this example project, or write your own from scratch, to get insight into how specific rules manage their runfiles.

Let's build the package and see the resulting outputs.

Building the package and inspecting the outputs
$ cd example/runfiles/engflow
$ bazel build //...

Starting local Bazel server and connecting to it...
INFO: Analyzed 3 targets (98 packages loaded, 3341 targets configured).
INFO: Found 3 targets...
INFO: Elapsed time: 8.145s, Critical Path: 1.14s
INFO: 10 processes: 9 internal, 1 darwin-sandbox.
INFO: Build completed successfully, 10 total actions

$ ls -1F bazel-bin/


We can see the generated runfiles directory (runfiles_demo.runfiles), as well as the .repo_mapping (for Bzlmod) and .runfiles_manifest support files. The runfiles libraries use these artifacts to translate relative runfile paths to their actual paths within the execution environment.

No runfiles directory by default on Windows

If you're running this program on Windows, you likely won't see the runfiles_demo.runfiles directory. See the Enabling runfiles directories on Windows section below for details on how to enable runfiles directory generation.

Let's run the //:runfiles_demo Python binary. It receives one space separated list of rlocationpaths paths from its command line args, and another passed in via the RUNFILES_PATHS environment variable.

In the example output below, I've elided some output as follows to collapse details specific to my local build:

  • OUTPUT_BASE represents the result of bazel info output_base, e.g., /home/mbland/.cache/bazel/_bazel_mbland/1234567890abcdef.
  • ARCH represents the build architecture output path component, e.g., k8-fastbuild.
  • RUNFILES_DIR in the runfiles link: paths is the value of runfiles dir: at the top of the output.
  • EXAMPLE_DIR is where I've cloned the example repository, plus the runfiles directory containing the example, e.g., /home/mbland/src/EngFlow/example/runfiles.

This should make the output easier to understand, and help you see the same patterns in the output when running the example locally.

Using py_binary's 'args' and 'env' attributes
$ bazel run //:runfiles_demo

[ ...snip... ]

RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE: OUTPUT_BASE/execroot/_main/bazel-out/ARCH/bin/runfiles_demo.runfiles_manifest
runfiles dir:           OUTPUT_BASE/execroot/_main/bazel-out/ARCH/bin/runfiles_demo.runfiles
current working dir:    OUTPUT_BASE/execroot/_main/bazel-out/ARCH/bin/runfiles_demo.runfiles/_main

From the command line arguments:
  runfile path:  _main/data/0-foo.txt
  runfiles link: RUNFILES_DIR/_main/data/0-foo.txt
  link exists:   True
  actual path:   EXAMPLE_DIR/engflow/data/0-foo.txt
  exists:        True

  runfile path:  _main/data/1-bar.txt
  runfiles link: RUNFILES_DIR/_main/data/1-bar.txt
  link exists:   True
  actual path:   EXAMPLE_DIR/engflow/data/1-bar.txt
  exists:        True

  runfile path:  _main/data/2-baz.txt
  runfiles link: RUNFILES_DIR/_main/data/2-baz.txt
  link exists:   True
  actual path:   EXAMPLE_DIR/engflow/data/2-baz.txt
  exists:        True

From the RUNFILE_PATHS environment variable:
  runfile path:  frobozz~/1-gue.txt
  runfiles link: RUNFILES_DIR/frobozz~/1-gue.txt
  link exists:   True
  actual path:   OUTPUT_BASE/external/frobozz~/1-gue.txt
  exists:        True

  runfile path:  frobozz~/2-wof.txt
  runfiles link: RUNFILES_DIR/frobozz~/2-wof.txt
  link exists:   True
  actual path:   OUTPUT_BASE/external/frobozz~/2-wof.txt
  exists:        True

  runfile path:  frobozz~/3-tdm.txt
  runfiles link: RUNFILES_DIR/frobozz~/3-tdm.txt
  link exists:   True
  actual path:   OUTPUT_BASE/external/frobozz~/3-tdm.txt
  exists:        True

There are few interesting things to notice here:

  • The paths generated by rlocationpaths already include the canonical name of the frobozz external repository, which is frobozz~. (For now, that is; it will appear as frobozz+ in the near future.)
  • The actual locations for runfiles in external repositories are direct paths into the external repository storage directory under OUTPUT_BASE.
  • Runfile paths for files in our own repository begin with _main. This is because we're building our engflow module as our main repository.
  • bazel run runs the runfiles_demo binary inside the _main subdirectory of its runfiles dir.
  • RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE is defined instead of RUNFILES_DIR, so the runfiles library is using the manifest file to translate paths.
  • The actual runfiles dir comes from stripping _manifest from RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE, and we can see that corresponding runfiles links do exist for each file.

Now let's run //:runfiles_demo as part of the genrule target and inspect the output. SANDBOX stands in for the sandbox path components.

Using env vars and command line args in a genrule
$ bazel build //:runfiles_genrule_demo &&
  cat bazel-bin/demo_output.txt

[ ...snip... ]

RUNFILES_DIR:           OUTPUT_BASE/SANDBOX/execroot/_main/bazel-out/ARCH/bin/runfiles_demo.runfiles
current working dir:    OUTPUT_BASE/SANDBOX/execroot/_main

From the command line arguments:
  runfile path:  _main/data/0-foo.txt
  runfiles link: RUNFILES_DIR/_main/data/0-foo.txt
  link exists:   True
  actual path:   RUNFILES_DIR/_main/data/0-foo.txt
  exists:        True

From the RUNFILE_PATHS environment variable:
  runfile path:  frobozz~/1-gue.txt
  runfiles link: RUNFILES_DIR/frobozz~/1-gue.txt
  link exists:   True
  actual path:   RUNFILES_DIR/frobozz~/1-gue.txt
  exists:        True

Notice that:

  • RUNFILES_DIR was defined in the environment; RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE was not.
  • The rule did not run the //:runfiles_demo binary in the RUNFILES_DIR.
  • Since the //:runfiles_demo binary executed during bazel build instead of bazel run, both rlocationpath outputs resolved to a sandbox path, not the typical output path.
  • The args and env attributes of //:runfiles_demo weren't used, since the genrule executed the //:runfiles_demo binary directly, not via bazel run.

Passing known file path constants to rlocation()

While using rlocationpath is the preferred way to pass runfiles paths through to the runfiles libraries, it's not strictly necessary. It can also prove inconvenient in some cases, such as:

  • Writing tests that refer to one or more input data files
  • Providing a library that executes a binary on behalf of a larger program

In such cases, hardcoding paths to pass as arguments to rlocation() is easier than plumbing through rlocationpath values. This is acceptable if the paths aren't going to change beyond your control. Remember:

  • For runfiles in external repositories, use the repository's apparent name as the first path component. The rest of the path should be relative to that repository's root.
  • For runfiles within the same repository, use your repository's module name from MODULE.bazel as the first path component. The rest of the path should be relative to your repository's root.

These differ from paths generated with rlocationpath, which begin with the canonical repository name or _main, respectively. The rlocation() runfiles library function will then translate these path constants into actual file paths at runtime, using the repo mapping mechanism.

Watch out for Windows!

If a runfile is an executable, you may need extra logic to add the .exe extension on Windows. This is unnecessary when using rlocationpath, since it will always generate the correct executable path.

Predefined path constants repo mapping example

To see the repo mapping mechanism in action, we'll use the example program to simulate passing a path constant to rlocation(). This time, we'll run the runfiles_demo binary directly from bazel-bin to avoid applying its args and env attributes.

Passing path constants to 'bazel-bin/runfile_demo'
$ bazel-bin/runfiles_demo \
  engflow/data/0-foo.txt \

RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE: EXAMPLE_DIR/engflow/bazel-bin/runfiles_demo.runfiles_manifest
runfiles dir:           EXAMPLE_DIR/engflow/bazel-bin/runfiles_demo.runfiles
current working dir:    EXAMPLE_DIR/engflow

From the command line arguments:
  runfile path:  engflow/data/0-foo.txt
  runfiles link: RUNFILES_DIR/engflow/data/0-foo.txt
  link exists:   False
  actual path:   EXAMPLE_DIR/engflow/data/0-foo.txt
  exists:        True

  runfile path:  frobozz/1-gue.txt
  runfiles link: RUNFILES_DIR/frobozz/1-gue.txt
  link exists:   False
  actual path:   OUTPUT_BASE/external/frobozz~/1-gue.txt
  exists:        True


  • The runfiles link: constructed manually for each path does not exist. This is because the first path component of each path on the command line is an apparent repository name. The actual runfiles links contain a path component for the corresponding canonical repository names. rlocationpath values already contain translated repository names, which do produce valid runfiles links, as we saw in the output from bazel run //:runfiles_demo.
  • The runfiles library translated these runfile paths to the same actual locations as the bazel run //:runfiles_demo example.
  • Even though runfiles_demo isn't running in a sandbox, and symlinks exist under bazel-bin/runfiles_demo.runfiles, the runfiles library still returns the actual absolute path.

We can inspect the runfiles links by interpolating the correct path segments for each repository, and see that they point to the same files:

Runfiles symlinks to absolute paths of actual files
$ ls -l \
  bazel-bin/runfiles_demo.runfiles/_main/data/0-foo.txt \

lrwxr-xr-x  1 mbland  wheel  49 Aug  7 14:13
  bazel-bin/runfiles_demo.runfiles/_main/data/0-foo.txt@ ->
lrwxr-xr-x  1 mbland  wheel  91 Aug  7 14:13
  bazel-bin/runfiles_demo.runfiles/frobozz~/1-gue.txt@ ->

Constructing runfile paths without a runfiles library

If there isn't a runfiles library available for your language, or it isn't yet Bzlmod compatible, you can still construct runfiles paths manually.

However, this requires using rlocationpath to define runfile paths, then passing them to the program as command line arguments or environment variables. With Bzlmod enabled, that's the only reliable way to get the correct path beginning with the canonical repo name or _main without a runfiles library.

Well, that's not the only way to pass canonical repo names...

Technically, you could write a genrule to emit rlocationpath output into a text file that a program could read at runtime. Or you could use a genrule, or write your own custom rule, to emit a source file defining rlocationpath constants to compile into a target. Or you could write a macro to invoke Label.repo_name on a target label and inject that. (I actually tried all of these before realizing I only needed to use the @rules_python//python/runfiles library instead of @bazel_tools//tools/python/runfiles.) You could do these things, but it's likely more work than passing an argument or an environment variable. Or you could be super cool and update the runfiles library for your language, or contribute the first implementation if one doesn't already exist.

Finding the runfiles directory

If RUNFILES_DIR is defined, that will be the location of your runfiles directory. If it isn't, and ‑‑enable_runfiles is set to true on your platform, stripping _manifest from the end of RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE will produce the runfiles directory path. This is how the script determines the runfiles directory when RUNFILES_DIR is undefined.

Alternatively, assuming sys.argv[0] is the full path to your program, f'{sys.argv[0]}.runfiles' will be your runfiles directory if it exists. (After translating this Pythonic syntax to the language of your choice, of course. For example, in Bash, it would be $0.runfiles.)

The Bash runfiles library bootstraps itself.

Fun fact: The runfiles.bash init code implements a minimal rlocation() lookup for the runfiles.bash file itself, that demos all of these cases in five lines of Bash. (Hat tip to László for pointing this out.)

Enabling runfiles directories on Windows

Runfiles directories are disabled by default on Windows. This is because Bazel creates symlinks to actual files within the runfiles directory. Before Windows 10 Insiders build 14972, creating symlinks required using a console elevated to administrator mode. As mentioned above, making runfiles compatibile with Windows in light of this restriction is what motivated the initial development of runfiles libraries.

However, you can now enable Developer Mode on Windows, for later versions of Windows 10 or Windows 11. This will allow symlink creation without admin priviliges. Then explicitly set ‑‑enable_runfiles to enable Bazel to create runfiles directories.

Building the runfile path

Once you have the runfiles directory, join the result of rlocationpath to the end of it to locate a specific runfile. As with using a runfile library, it's still incumbent upon your code to check the resulting runfile path for existence before using it.

See the program above, which manually constructs runfiles links alongside using a runfiles library, for an example of how to do this.

Starting child processes that need runfiles

Check the documentation for your runfiles library for advice on starting child processes that also use runfiles.

Pass a manually located runfiles directory as RUNFILES_DIR

If you aren't using a runfiles library, and located the runfiles directory manually, then add its path to the child process's environment as RUNFILES_DIR.

In most cases, the library will provide a function to access runfiles related environment variables (e.g., EnvVars(), getEnvVars() or Env()). Add these variables to the child process's environment, as they may not have been defined in the parent process's environment.

Adapting the example from rules_python/python/runfiles/, launching a subprocess in Python would look something like this:

Passing runfiles env vars to a child process in Python
import subprocess
from python.runfiles import Runfiles

_RUNFILES = Runfiles.Create()

def launch_child_process():
    env = {k: v for k, v in os.environ.items()}
    return[_RUNFILES.Rlocation("path/to/binary")], env=env)


At this point, all of your targets depending on runfiles should build and run successfully under Bzlmod. Future changes to the canonical repo name format shouldn't break your targets. They should remain portable if built as an external dependency of another repo.

In the next post, we'll learn how to use rules_pkg properly to avoid the need for file path macros when building archives under Bzlmod. Following that, we'll learn how to inject the path to an external repo into our BUILD rules when we really have to.


If you want to learn how to write rules that make use of runfiles, see Jay Conrod's post Writing Bazel rules: data and runfiles. (You can also see that I ripped off his style of listing the links to every post in this series.)